Long Time, No See...

   Hey all! It's been quite a while since I've posted, hasn't it? Shame on me for leaving you hanging. Well, I just wanted to update you all. I have transferred to SCSU, and am currently studying Sociology with a minor in Spanish. During my last year at SCTCC, I got involved with Cru, which is a student organization seeking to build community and to ensure that every student would know someone who truly loves and follows God. The following semester, I got a job at my local grocery store.

   I have learned and grown so much in these last few years. I have experienced both high's and lows. During the summer of 2017, I took a trip abroad, where God brought me low only to build me up again. You can read more about that experience HERE. Through my time participating in Cru, He has been teaching me how to lead and serve well, how to worship Him in the small stuff, and how to witness to others on the daily.  I have grown so much, and I can't wait to see where God takes me in the future!

A photo of a village in the mountains from during my trip abroad.

Outside my Spanish professor's office...

The break room at work.

Cru's 2018 Fall Retreat this past October... I spent a few hours wandering around camp taking pictures.


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