Halfway There!!!

   It's so crazy that it's been five weeks since we arrived here in North Myrtle Beach! God has been doing so much in that time. We have shared the Gospel more than we thought possible and had more than 1,300 spiritual conversations with coworkers and beach-goers. We have grown in community and have grown in our understanding of what it looks like to serve the Lord in many different aspects of our lives.

   The Lord has provided much healing in relation to the work situation He has placed me in. He has allowed me to connect with several of my coworkers and regular customers as well as given me a sense of joy in my work. He has also given me the opportunity to help co-lead one of the ministry teams on our mission. My team's goal is to create a culture (amongst our team) of praying for one another and the world and of having a vision for the seeing the whole world come to know God.

   Now, after five very short weeks of growth and community, the staff are all packing and preparing to head home.  As such, this week they've transitioned us into a fully student-led mission. This is going to be a unique challenge and a wonderful opportunity to develop our own leadership skills. This appears to be quite a daunting task. Thursday night, we officially said goobye to the staff, and I already miss them greatly. Please be praying with us as we transition to the staff being gone and the new experiences of leading this trip ourselves. Thank you so much for all of your support!

Every Saturday, we take time to bond as a team, playing fun (and sometimes silly) games... like bobbing for sandy apples in buckets of ocean water.

On Sunday night, we worshipped together in multiple languages and styles.

For our last Bible study with the staff, my group decided to eat out at Johnny Rockets.

Trying to fit everyone in the car to get home from work is sometimes a challenge - L to R: Autumn's forehead, Maria's glasses, Naomi, Josey, Joey, and half of Jackson (I was in the car too, but we wouldn't all fit in the photo)


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