A Letter from Myself

   Last week, I received a special piece of mail: a letter from myself. This summer, during my time in North Myrtle Beach, our leaders gave us the opportunity to write letters to ourselves - either of things we wanted to remember or ways we wanted to continue to grow. They then took these letters, promising to send them to us in a few months. Below you can read mine:

Dear Anna, 

   So much has happened here in North Myrtle Beach! I feel like God has taught me so much, and I'm scared to leave. I like my life here - the constant community, reminders of Jesus, scheduled time with Jesus - and am sad to leave it. I have already cried so much at the thought of leaving. I know I need to trust God with my future - this fall semester & the rest of my life - but it's terrifying.

   I am so afraid of slipping back into my old patterns when I get home. I want God to be the number one thing that brings me all joy and satisfaction. REMEMBER to spend quality time with God each day. Without it, your life will feel like it's falling apart.

   Also remember that you are not in control... and that is a good thing. God, with all His power, wisdom, and majesty cares about you and has your best interest at heart. Remember all the ways He has worked everything out sovereignly for your good. Trust that He will do it again. Finally, remember that you are not a burden. Do not ever believe that lie from the Devil, and do not be afraid to ask for help. Do not rob others of the pleasure of helping and caring for you!

Love, Anna Emerson 

   As I read and reread this letter last week, I began to cry tears of joy and longing for who I was and the memories I held in that moment. As hard as it was to leave there - the spiritual greenhouse of summer mission - I am so grateful for the journey I have had so far this year and the lessons God has taught me in the leaving. I feel like God has been preparing me for a future beyond what I can imagine, though I do not yet know what that is. So for now I will continue to pray and to wait on the Lord's timing.


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