Good News in the Midst of Chaos

Students and staff from Mid-MN Cru at Cru's annual Winter Conference!

   As I'm sure you know and have seen, our world has seemed to flip upside down. With the growing panic over the global pandemic that is the Coronavirus and life feeling so scary, I thought I would brighten your lives with a significant, positive update of my own. If you've known me for any significant period of the last four years, you have gotten to witness how God has been using the campus ministry, Cru, in my life.  I have been on several summer missions through Cru, have learned to lead and to love well, and have grown in my ability to "self-feed" in my relationship with the Lord. I have also grown in my understanding of the Gospel and my heart to share with others the hope that I have in Jesus.

   All that being said, I am so pleased to announce that I have officially been accepted to join the ranks of Cru as an intern this coming fall! As I finish out this spring semester, I will be joining many other new Cru interns and part-time staff as we prayerfully prepare for this new phase of our lives. We will be receiving training on everything from ministry to support-raising and then, while remaining connected with a small team of similar individuals for encouragement, be launched out to prayerfully seek the Lord's provision of like-minded people who are willing to partner in our mission of sharing the Gospel with college students around the world.

   I don't know as of yet exactly what this new role will look like for me. Many of us new interns are awaiting our official assignments as Cru focuses on reorganizing and responding in light of the significant restrictions and complications of the Coronavirus. While we have a fairly clear idea of where I will be placed, I hesitate to make any such announcements without official news. However, what you can know and trust is that, wherever I report to on August 1st, I am confident that God has placed me there for a purpose and that He will use me to bring about his Kingdom there. Even in the midst of this chaotic time of pandemic and pandemonium, I am learning to trust that God has a plan that is far better than any I can conjure. And until I can see what that plan is, I will cling to that truth.

One of our outreach events in Cru was to share our "Cardboard Testimony" with our friends through social media.

Some of my friends at the 2018 Cru formal.

A Cru summer lake-day!

Cru Christmas party.


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